Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saturday I am speaking at a depression group in Toronto

Hi there,
It's been a busy time. I'm signing lots of books. On Sat. I will meet with a depression support group that meets casually once a month. I am taking my book and sharing with them how it came to be written and how it is very healing to write.
My friend, Peny is coming with me and we will just have a nice, relaxing day of it.
Cracked Teacups
B.E. Moore

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cracked Teacups is now available at Chapters Indigo

We finally got the bugs out and Chapters now has my book available either at the bookstores (to be ordered) and on the website. Now I can set up some book signings at Chapters.
Cracked Teacups
B.E. Moore

Friday, October 9, 2009

Speaking Opportunities

I've been asked to speak at another group function. I'm looking forward to this. In the past I did some public speaking and really enjoyed it. I hope to do more and more speaking to accompany my book.
Cracked Teacups
B.E. Moore

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cracked Teacups available in India and the UK.

I came across two web sites that were selling "Cracked Teacups by B.E. Moore" One was from the UK and had the price listed in pounds. The other was from India and the price was quoted in rupies. Far out!
Cracked Teacups
B.E. Moore

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cracked Teacups available in more stores

I've heard that my book, Cracked Teacups is available on Ordering it through the Canadian version of Amazon enables you to participate in the free shipping.
Barbara checked with Chapters and eventually contacted their head office. They said that they have no problem carrying the book but the publisher needs to initiate it. I have sent this information to the publisher and hopefully it will be available at Chapters soon. Thanks Barbara!
I recieved 75 copies today to use at book signings, and other media events.
Cracked Teacups
B.E. Moore